Saturday 15 June 2013

[Daddy Matters] - A special post from Daddy Li!

With it being Father's Day tomorrow, I decided to let Daddy Li "take over" my blog and share a little about anything he wanted about his fatherhood journey:


When we first found out that Bev was expecting, I was happy yet I felt really lost and didn’t know how to feel about it.  That’s because I didn’t expect myself to be someone’s father so early. Very different from a lot of people where most of them built up their career before setting up a family. 

For me I started off with a family when I was young, and a lot of people tell me that its good, reason being when our daughter grows up we can connect and be more of friend than parent and child relationship. 

Well I don’t know how many of those people were just trying to be nice. But whatever man. I personally as a father then, felt that I wouldn’t be able to be a good father because I don’t know anything about parenthood. But as time passes by everything just seem like its getting on to the right track. I guess this is just like a baby learning to walk, we as fathers learn how to be one through cleaning up poop, vomit, panic when baby is running a fever, this are all part and parcel of fatherhood.

People always tell me that it’s good that I'm a father when I'm young. It’s true! Being young allows me to keep up with my active baby, but of course that doesn’t mean that I don’t get tired at all. I still feel shagged out at times especially after coming back from camp but luckily there is mummy around to tank!

Thus far it's not been a easy journey but I really enjoy seeing my baby girl growing up. From rolling to crawling to walking. These are moments that make all the hard work worth while and I just feel so contented with every small step that my daughter is taking. 

I am very thankful that despite how difficult parenthood can be, my wife and I still work together and try to give our best. Parenthood has not been an easy journey, but I'm lucky and thankful that I've my wife who copes with the most part of it. 
Ever since I became a dad I definitely can relate and understand that being a daddy is no easy job so to all the fathers out there, HAPPY FATHER”S DAY!

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