Thursday 18 July 2013

You'll always be missed.

It's been almost two years since you've left, but the truth is the pain is still there, and you'll always be fondly remembered.

This was one of the rare photos we took together. It was also the last time I got to celebrate your birthday with you. Time flies, much has changed. The only thing that hasn't is that you'll alway be my Dad.

If only you were still around..if only I could share my joy of bringing Kaitlin up with you..if only I could turn back time..I hope you are happy and in a better place, no longer having to deal with the pain. I love you and miss you so very much Dad.

Linking up with:
Amazingly Still


  1. What a touching tribute to you dad, Beverly.

    Thank you for joining my linky with such an emotional post :)

    1. What a touching tribute to your* dad, Beverly.
